Full Website Coming Soon

Thank You for visiting our website! We have not formally launched our website yet, but will in the coming days! In the meantime, please read my formal campaign announcement below.

I'm Justin Pack, and I'm thrilled to announce my candidacy for the District 7 seat on the Elmore County Board of Education. I proudly represent the vibrant community of Eclectic, and I'm committed to addressing the critical issues facing our school system.

I have 3 main priorities:

Number 1
Number 2

Revise the Student Exemption Policy

One of my top priorities is to revise the student exemption policy. Currently, our school board enforces a policy that unfairly counts a student's excused absences against their exam exemption count. This policy forces students and parents into a difficult choice: attend school sick or face substantial academic penalties. This dilemma not only compromises our students' health but also creates unnecessary pressure in our classrooms. I firmly believe that no student should be penalized for making responsible decisions regarding their health. If elected, I will make the repeal of this policy my number one priority.

Improve Meeting Accessibility

Another pressing issue is the accessibility of our school board meetings. Currently, these meetings are scheduled at times that severely limit public attendance, with regular called meetings at 4:30 PM and special called meetings during mid-day hours. Moreover, the absence of readily available recordings of these meetings makes it challenging for the public to stay informed about the decisions affecting their children's education. Transparency and accessibility should be the cornerstones of our education system. If elected, I will work to revise these procedures, making it easier for the public to attend meetings and access recorded sessions, ensuring that the community remains well-informed about the decisions made by the board.

Number 3

Provide Eclectic Proper Representation

For too long, the community of Eclectic has been left out of important conversations, particularly when it comes to capital improvement projects and other crucial matters. I'm committed to giving Eclectic a strong voice on the Board of Education. I will be unwavering in my dedication to representing the people of District 7 and fighting against political bullying. My priority is to ensure that the interests and concerns of my fellow constituents are heard and addressed.

My dedication to education in Elmore County is not new. I have been an active attendee of school board meetings since 2018, demonstrating my commitment to understanding the intricacies of our education system and advocating for improvements. My passion for our community and my determination to see Eclectic properly represented make me the ideal candidate to bring common-sense policies to our school system.

In these challenging times, the Elmore County Board of Education needs leaders who prioritize the well-being of students, value transparency, and represent their communities without compromise. I embody these qualities and am committed to making a positive impact on our school system.

Join me in my journey to bring about positive change in our education system and give Eclectic the strong voice it deserves. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and our community.